Our Big Story

Moreton Rivers Presbytery belongs to the story of God's mission to reconcile and renew humanity, as it is expressed through the Uniting Church in Australia - a people who are defined by their responding to God in offering themselves as an instrument of reconciliation and renewal through which Christ may work and bear witness to himself. Our expression of how we seek to be an instrument of God's reconciliation and renewal is first seen in the Basis of Union, and subsequently in such things as the Statement to the Nation, the Preamble to the Constitution, and in the on-going work of our congregations and agencies. God's work of reconciliation and renewal is demonstrated by our living and sharing the Good News of Christ manifested in working towards wholeness of our human relationships.
Our relationship with God: love, faithfulness, hope.
Our relationship with Others: faithful, merciful, just
Our relationship with Creation: sustaining, caring, protective.
The role of Presbytery in joining in the Big Story is to Exhort, Encourage, Counsel and Strengthen its congregations, ministry agents and faith communities, and thereby advance the mission of God through the life of the Church in the area for which it is responsible.
Just as our region's rivers bring life, we believe that God is calling us to be a River of Life directed towards how: The River Brings Life: MRP will encourage and support Congregations and Faith Communities to be intergenerational and focused on intentionally discipling people to live and share Good News for themselves, their churches, communities and creation.
Moreton Rivers Presbytery conducts its life on the lands of the Turrabal, Jagera, Wakka Wakka and Gubbi Gubbie nations. It encompasses the region North of the Brisbane River some parts South of the Brisbane River and all of the Moreton Bay Regional Council; thus the land of the Presbytery is characterised by life-giving rivers flowing through it, providing habitat for plants and animals, carrying our food waters, creating spaces for us to interact, and which are ultimately indispensable to our identity, lifestyle and economic prosperity.
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